Figure Study No. 136

Saturday, February 27, 2010

From Aaron Miller | Illustrator | Designer
6x6. oil on panel.

Figure Study No. 135

Friday, February 26, 2010
From Aaron Miller | Illustrator | Designer

6x6. oil on panel. A quick 10 minute study.

Figure Study No. 133-134

Thursday, February 25, 2010
From Aaron Miller | Illustrator | Designer

For fun I clamped 2 panels together to paint on. Oil on Panel. Each is 6x6. I had just enough time to get the heart tattoo in.

Figure Study No. 132

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
From Aaron Miller | Illustrator | Designer

6x8 oil on panel.

Figure Drawing

Sunday, February 14, 2010
From Aaron Miller | Illustrator | Designer

I decided to draw for the hour and a half during last Thursday session. I left my white pencils at home and used pastel for the highlights. i wasn't very pleased because of the time limit. But overall i had a blast.

We saw plenty of new faces last week. Even during the blizzard on Tuesday. Keep up the good work everyone!

Dance of the Demented

I'll be heading out Saturday night to sketch the models at the Dance of the Demented benefit

Come on out to have some fun and draw. It should be a blast! There will be some awesome artists set up there to draw for the event.

Dave Dorman (Aliens/Star Wars)

Tony Akins (Jack of Fables/House of Mystery)

J Anthony Kosar (Avatar/Buckaroo Bonzai)

Ray Frenden (Burton Snowboards/Wired/Misfits)

Jessica Joy (smART Show)

Alex Wald (Ultraman/Shaolin Cowboy)

Charlie Athanas (WildClaw Poster Artist)

Horse Head Study

Thursday, February 11, 2010
From Aaron Miller | Illustrator | Designer

Fun horse head study.